I am Eman Aziz. My story starts at the age of 16 . I was attracted and deeply touched by beauty in art , in a design , in a handcraft. In one word beauty captivated my eyes and heart. This was the sparkle illuminaniting my road in life. I studdied architecture and graduated 2006. This was my 1st starting point
I worked in many jobs related to my study. But always I felt an empty hole inside me. It was always repeating : you are not happy nor satisfied nor fulfilled .Listen to your heart and live in your passion
My life was transformed the moment i started to listen to my heart and to fulfil my passion INTERIOR DESIGN . It is the transformation of a scratch to a captivating beauty for eyes and soul
My Favorite Quote
"A home should be where you feel joy and happiness. It should feel like your own space, reflective of the spirit, life and loves of the people who live there" by KELLY HOPPEN
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